Harriette met Jung in college. Jung was one year ahead of Hariette. When Jung was in his fourth year, and Hariette in her third year, they became classmates in one subject on commercial laws. Sparks did not fly at first. But love bided its time. Love was patient. They inhabited one small world.
It was only a matter of time when friendship turned romantic. Five years ago, Hariette and Jung decided to be together. The growing attraction was like the earth to the moon – they were drawn to each other. The other's presence was necessary to the other.
The tides ebbed and flowed as much as their emotions. It was sometimes a calming regularity. But storms sometimes brew, and the tides roil in turmoil. When misunderstandings happen, Hariette credits Jung to be the first one to reach out for a peaceful resolution. This is characteristic of Jung who believes that loving requires patience, understanding, honesty, and respect.
Through the years, their confidence in each other grew deeper. “I can tell him about anything. [He is my] best confidante,” says Hariette.
This couple's quiet confidence can be seen in the pre-wedding photos we took of them. We photographed them in two locations. The first set was in the restaurant Kouzina in Tupi, South Cotabato. Hariette and Jung wore complimenting yellow and black striped outfits that contrasted with the burst of abstract imagery in the restaurant's background mural. We cast light on parts of their faces, to deepen also the shadows and have that modern noir feel.
While shooting the first set, the rain started pouring outside. We had to wait for it to stop before going to our second location in a pineapple field of Tupi. In order to maximize our time in Kouziena, we decided to shoot Hariette and Jung wearing a second set of clothes. Good thing was, the couple were very prepared with several outfit choices. The dim lighting of the restaurant was perfect for something sultry. We decided to go with the satin turquoise dress for Hariette and dark green suit over a black turtleneck for Jong.
It was about golden hour when we photographed the second set in a pineapple plantation in Tupi. Hariette changed into an off-shoulder floral gown with a thigh-high slit, while Jung changed his turtleneck top to a polo shirt. In some of the shots, we created a smoke effect to add a touch of whimsy. Harriet and Jong also held a transparent umbrella that caught the sun's last rays, creating a halo of light over the couple.
As the sun was setting, we drove to Ngilay for our last set. In the darkness of dusk, we photographed them at the Ngilay peak overlooking the city. The city lights were like fireflies on standstill. Hariette and Jung wore their fourth set of outfits – wedding clothes – which were a fair, no, stunning rehearsal for the big day. We set up a flood light behind them, to highlight the contours of their bodies. Light shone through the thin white lace gown of Hariette.
The last set-up was Hariette and Jung dressed down in camp clothes, sitting by the bonfire or standing outside their tent. This is Hariette and Jung at their most blissful, one that recalls their trips together, or their staycations.

As Hariette said: “Love is about never getting tired of starting over and over again with the person you want to spend your life with.”
Indeed, love never tires.

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