Saturday, April 20, 2024

Finding Magic in the Mundane: Apple & Jayson's Pre-Wedding Session in South Cotabato

Apple and Jayson met a year and 4 months ago, one afternoon during a Sunday Resurrection of their church. They were introduced by their leaders.

The length of time they knew each other may no longer hold as much significance in their story. For however long or brief their courtship may be, is not the crux of their love story. 

They've found God in the details. Each moment spent with each other is sacred. Conversations are no longer small or big, but significant. It is being present, and staying committed. 

Jayson sees Apple as his support system. She is there when he needs someone to talk to. She is there when he needs to achieve a goal. She is there when he is hurt. She is there when he needs someone to show his vulnerabilities.

"Every day, we choose each other," Apple says.

Indeed, love is intentional. It is commitment to the minutiae as much as the bigger picture. Every moment is striving towards the love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, to foster patience and to be kinder, even when their preferences and attitudes collide.
Jayson makes an effort resolve their arguments before the day ends. He considers her views as much as her welfare. He listens and understands.

Jayson and Apple will spend their lifetimes by each other's side. Time passes when building a life together. What matters is finding the sublime language of love in the mundane.


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