Friday, September 25, 2020

Taking the Plunge: Ronald and Anne's GenSan Pre-Wedding Session

In a trip to Bohol, Anne watched as Ronald stood on the edge of a cliff. He wasn't the adventurous type, but there he was on the edge bracing for the jump. Below was a 70 foot drop into the sea. One...two...three! Plunge! 

Their relationship is also like jumping off a cliff. It takes courage to commit. There's fear of the unknown - what could happen in the jump? What awaits us in the future? Will we make it? But you love the other person enough to trust in the process of falling. There's also exhilaration and excitement from experiencing the free fall, the pull of gravity. In the end, the water catches you. You sink, but you float back up, and breath in the air as you float. Everything is ok. 

Ronald and Anne made their first jump into love as textmates. When they met, sparks flew and they became a couple in college. But young and still immature as they were, their relationship didn't last that long. 

After more than a year, they decided to part ways. They each had their own relationships for eight years. But over those eight years, they stayed friends and kept in touch. Ronald even lent his shoulder for Anne to cry on when her relationship with another failed. 

Then, they had to grow on their own. As an engineer, Ronald got deployed to different areas in Mindanao, while Anne had to focus on her medical education in Iloilo. 

When Anne finished her studies and came back to Mindanao, they reconnected. They took a second jump together. They dated again. Ronald would court her for almost a year until she said yes.  

In our pre-wedding session with them, we wanted to capture how their time apart has made their love deeper and sweeter. We took individual shots of them, and then shots of them growing closer and closer. Their couple shots at a cafe shows how they've matured as individuals that they see eye-to-eye as a couple. When asked how their love endures, Ronald says: "We are able to understand and have patience with each other and respect."

The location they enjoyed the most was the beach. Looking into the horizon they hold hands, and breathe in the sea breeze. After taking the plunge, they have swam ashore.  As Ronald puts it, "Love is full of surprises and sacrifices. You will be amazed that you can do that thing you never imagine you can do just for love." Now, it is their time to enjoy their time with each other, as they look forward to a future together.  


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