Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Rhythm of Love: Sebas and Marie's Pre-Wedding Session { General Santos City }

The soul speaks the language of music. This sings true when two composers meet, notes were strung before words were spoken, building a harmony that transcended into the song of love.

Tienes el alma más hermosa que he conocido.
Nunca había sentido que un alma pudiera conmoverme —
tan profundo que siento que el tiempo alrededor de mí podría detenerse,
y solo una única existencia podría despertar mi alma
y traer vida a mi ser.
Es tan profundo que no puedo describir más con palabaras:
solo con lágrimas y caricias;
con miradas amorosas
y besos suaves y apasionados;
con sonrisas tranquilas y con pensamientos mutuos —
pensamientos que no decimos en voz alta,
sino solo sentimos.

You have the most beautiful soul I have ever known.
I had never felt that a soul could move me —
So deep that I feel that time around me could stop,
and that only a single existence could awaken my soul,
and bring life to my being.
So deep that I cannot describe more with words:
only with tears and caresses;
with loving looks
and soft and passionate kisses;
with quiet smiles and mutual thoughts —
thoughts that we do not say out loud,
but only feel.

— Marie

Location: General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines


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