Friday, November 16, 2018

Bridging Distances, Persisting Together: Jason and Racel's Pre-Wedding Session { General Santos City }

Jason and Racel know distance. They know the miles they are apart when Jason is working in Saudi, or the inches between them when they are together. Miles and inches they need to bridge.

Jason and Racel know that distance is a matter of time - the time they have been apart can be counted in days or years of being together, of finally coming home.

So in time, Jason proposed to Racel, and there was nothing Racel could have done otherwise but to say “yes” to her long-time partner, whom she has built a life together with their son.

To commemorate their days before their church union, we had the honor of holding a pre-wedding session with Jason and Racel in two sites in General Santos City.

Our first location was in the cogon fields of Ngilay shooting range to catch the sunrise. As the sun rose, Jason in a light yellow polo shirt slowdanced with Racel who was the epitome of passion in her deep red dress. The look of love between them is as magnificent as the view of Mt. Matutum in the distant horizon.

In our second location in tree-filled Woodbreeze, we set up a picnic perfect for Jason and Racel's family. Racel and Jason wearing shades from the blue spectrum, enjoy each others company as their share a toast of cold champagne. Racel, wearing a pastel blue dress, is a warmer contrast to Jason's deep blue.

The choice of blue is fitting for both who have built a relationship that has gained depth through the years, trust and sincerity through distance, and stability and faith through time.

Perhaps the best testament to Jason and Racel's relationship is their son, who joined them in a family portrait. The happiness in the child's smile in being together and in a loving relationship with his parents cannot be made up. There, one can see confidence.

There are miles more Jason and Racel have to go in building their years together as a married couple- and the gaps are filled with video calls, online chats, and hours-long flights to come home. But they will persist together, as a family.


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